Justice Fashion And The Million Hoodie March

On March 21, 2012, the Million Hood March was held in New York City, seeking justice for Trayvon Martin. Participants decided to all wear hoodies as a show of solidarity with the cause of calling for the arrest of George Zimmerman, the man who murdered Trayvon.

We’ve seen this “hoodie movement” everywhere, including on social networks, with supporters posting snapshots of themselves posing in hoodies while holding a bag of candy. Consequently, this newfound interest in hoodies as “justice wear” calls into question the notion of what acceptable dress really is.

There are plenty of African Americans who prefer to adopt a more mainstream style of dress-wear, as opposed to simply maintaining the current way many dress. As such, the acceptability of different types of clothing is heavily scrutinized. Check out the video below, in with Heit tackles the topic of assimilation into mainstream culture via labeling hoodies and sagging pants as unacceptable.

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Heit & Cheri

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